Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 73: Sigh

The project has stalled out. It's official.

Several factors have conspired against my regularly training plan, and I have now gone over a week without exercising; nor will I be running in this weekend's 10k event (never signed up for it either; perhaps my heart wasn't in it).

My husband has been working a great deal, even weekends. That means that my only exercise times are over the supper hour, or very early in the morning, or during writing time. I am also sick, and have only enough energy to pull myself through my day-to-day necessities: childcare, laundry, meals, cleanup, kids' activities. And I'm injured. I'm thankful that the treatment seems to be helping a lot already. My left shoulder has been stiff and painful almost since the project started, affecting my mobility, and my sleeping. I couldn't sleep without pain for about six weeks straight, and I think the sleep deprivation caught up in a whammy last week. Lowered immune system. Who knows. In any case, I haven't found time or energy to get out on my own.

It is affecting my mood, and I've definitely been grumpier than usual. I am a happier and more productive woman when I am exercising, and taking that time on my own. I hope that next week's schedule will prove slightly more flexible, that I will feel better, and take any opportunities that come.

Meantime, as the days get shorter and darker, I feel myself turning inward and slowing down. I have a lot of writing work ahead, good hard work. I hope to find my balance again soon between body and mind.

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