Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 223: Wah!

Well, the tired hasn't gone away. And I've decided that yes, it is in fact a physical weariness. Being up half the night with a sick child decided me on turning off my alarm and emailing my swimming friend at 3:30am to say, "I'm out." For today, anyway. So, no swim. I also missed kundalini yoga last night, as we had to cancel the sitter due to the aforementioned sick child. Truthfully, I was so tired, I'm not sure I could have made it anyway.

I need more sleep. Or maybe I'm fighting a virus. I'm definitely moving in a fog. As soon as I finish typing this, I'm taking a quick nap. A quick and powerful nap, I hope hope hope. I'm so hoping that I feel up to the long run tomorrow.

What a difference a week makes. And not always for the better.

To look on the bright side, I have done more this week than I would have done a year ago, or even six months ago. So even with feelings of weariness weighing me down, I'm still able to keep going.

Could it be burn-out? Man, it better not be. I still have months of training to go. It's frustrating to feel my body not getting stronger but actually feeling weaker, despite the effort.

1 comment:

Tricia Orchard said...

It is possible that you are fighting off a virus, since one of your kids is not well.

But, your body could just need the break. Maybe it is a blessing that you couldn't go to yoga last night or swimming this morning. Your run might feel better tomorrow now that you have had a chance to rest.

Do you need more protein? Vitamins? I have no idea.

Don't forget that some weeks are just like that - you might miss a few workouts one week and feel tired and then feel energetic the next.

Good luck with your run tomorrow. I should dig up my half-marathon training manual from the Running Room. You go up and down in you mileage. Not just up, up, up. Is Katy's book like that?

Long response! Have a good weekend!
