Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 251: Achy

I pushed myself hard in yesterday's spin class, following the instructor's encouragement to "squeeze out every last drop." I was curious to see: how many drops are left? Can I really force my legs to continue around and around at this manic pace for another minute, another, twenty-seven seconds, another five? I could. But I wasn't taking into consideration that it was about 7:15 in the morning when I stepped off the bike, and the whole day yet awaited. I needed a few more drops at my disposal.

At home, I put on a long video and slept soundly for ... this is shameful to confess ... over an hour. The kids interrupted only to have me open bananas for them. But I was still tired, and famished. I ate and ate and ate, and decided not to attempt the noon yoga class I'd planned. Too worn out. The whole day I felt tired, though I managed to get done what needed doing: craft with kids, trip to bank and library, after school snacks, making supper, cleaning up from supper, laundry. I was sound asleep by 9:30.

This morning's early run was very pleasant. I slept well, and felt rested on rising. We went for our usual 7.5km. I didn't have my usual pep, exactly, but I also felt capable of going longer, though I was getting hungry and thirsty by the end. Maybe I'm becoming accustomed to feeding myself on my runs. Maybe it's actually helping.

That will be my last run until Saturday morning.

I had an anxiety dream last night about the triathlon. In the dream, everything was too easy, too short--the swim, the bike ride--and I felt like I'd overtrained for no good reason. But I wasn't doing well even though it was easy, because the race also involved stopping at each transition point to do a scavenger hunt for items. I couldn't find anything on the list, so I fell behind. I was lapped by two children in grade three, and one of their mothers made fun of me. All that training, and the seven year olds were beating me. I tried to laugh it off and not be bothered, but I was; but in the end, the children and I became allies as searched together for scavenger items and got lost in a dark and slightly sinister maze, and the dream became about me watching over them and helping them. I never finished the race.

I am achy. I have yet to make a yoga class this week, and would like to stretch it out. I am also seeing my chiro tomorrow to try to rectify this neck-ache which seems to be getting worse not better. But I am trying not to think too much about Saturday. I'll just show up and do it. Gah. Must keep expectations low. After all, as long as I finish the race, I'll have run my personal best time for the half-marathon.

If you'd like to sponsor me, here's the link:

1 comment:

Tricia Orchard said...


I hope that your first half-marathon is a fantastic experience for you and that you will do another one some day. I would love to train for one with you! :)

I know I will see you tomorrow morning but wanted to wish you good luck! It'll be fun and I am certain that there will not be a scavenger hunt along the way!